Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Awesome Sauce - Carole MacFadden

Shout Out to Carole MacFadden and Her Mighty Legs for Conquer Cancer Ride

I want to share with my GUTSY world about my great friend Carole - who rode 250 K this past weekend in the Conquer Cancer fundraiser.

I had the privilege of watching her cross the finish line, and not only her, but her riding buddy Gail, and a few minutes later, Donna and Shelly.  Now I know I am a sap, so when I say I cried while watching the hundreds (thousands actually) of cyclists make their way across the line, those who know me will most likely do the eye roll thing.  BUT SERIOUSLY, seeing the human commitment to endurance, perseverance and their love for others, was moving and inspiring.

Carole is not the athletic type (meaning there are more fun things to do in her world)  and with her 60-70 work weeks the extra hours of training required to train were almost more taxing on her life - than the actual ride.  But Carole has legs that won't stop.  Funny, these very legs that she has bemoaned for so many years, are the two pillars that not only helped her cross the line, but frankly she crossed the line in style!  I will never see her legs as anything but beauty. :-)

The trip from Vancouver to Seattle, as I noticed while driving comfortably in my car, was hilly.  But the hills were only a small challenge compared to the DELUGE of rain we had over both days in the Pacific Northwest.  Despite it all, Carole and her fanatic friends, 3000 strong, raised over 11 million dollars for Cancer research.  IMAGINE the difference those actions this past weekend will butterfly effect in the next decade or two.  How many people will be helped, saved, and encouraged by the generosity of the riders - and the donors?  I shout out AWESOME to Carole MacFadden (and her sexy goddess legs!)

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