Thursday, April 19, 2012

Inspired by Blessings

Organic Fruit, Strong Dark Coffee and my Healthy Body

Legend in my own mind!
I am inspired almost every day by the simplicity of blessings.  Each morning I enjoy a bowl of fresh cut up organic fruit and a robust cup of Java.  You would think after 30+ years of eating the same thing every am I would be bored or not notice.

But honestly, I think about it most mornings.  How lucky I am, how blessed to have access, how healthy it is for me, how it makes me feel, how grateful I am for the ritual of making it and then sharing it with Ginger.:-)  Every morning it says to me my life is abundant, blessed, simple.

Love doesn`t get better
I think one of the reasons for the incredible sense of despair in our society and the continued editorials about the state of economic woes, is that we forget what it is we do have.

My guess, if each one of us would look into our lives afresh in the first 30 minutes of our day - we could find many things that reflect back to us just how blessed, how fortunate, how loved by SOMEONE we are.

Note the people in your life, gifts in your home, the opportunities for change that present themselves to you, the relative safety you feel in a huge world, and what you have for breakfast.

Give a shout out to the blessings!!!!  FOCUS on what is, forget about what isn`t. Feel the freedom of making a choice to be blessed.  It`s yours for the taking.

Why suffer today with angst?  INDULGE yourself in JOY just for the hang of it.


  1. Beautifully written! I agree wholeheartedly. :)

  2. Thanks Natasha - thank you for your support of this new blog. I really appreciate it.


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